Bozeman School District #7 serves the city of Bozeman and surrounding rural area. Bozeman has a population of approximately 39,500 persons and covers an area of 6.5 square miles. It is approximately the sixth largest city in the State in reference to population. A significant portion of the population is made up of students attending Montana State University.
All rural elementary school districts in Gallatin County are separate from Bozeman Public Schools and are supervised by the Office of the Gallatin County Superintendent of Schools located in the Courthouse. Those students belonging to the Bozeman Public Schools High School District enter ninth grade at the Bozeman High School from their respective rural school districts.
The Bozeman School District #7 has an enrollment of 5350 students and is based on a 6-3-4 plan which includes six years of elementary (kindergarten through grade 5), three years of middle school (grades 6 through 8), and four years of high school (grades 9 through 12). There are eight elementary schools, two middle schools, a senior high school and an alternative high school program within the district.
Click here to view the Bozeman Public Schools Website for up to date news and information.